About FirstClass Personal
![]() Normally, you must be connected to a server to work with the objects on your Desktop. Over expensive communication links such as long-distance telephone connections, this can become costly. For this reason, we provide a FirstClass Personal application that lets you do many of the things you normally do while working offline (that is, without being connected to a server full time).
FirstClass Personal creates copies of the following in a personal store on your computer:
• your Mailbox
• your personal calendar
• your Contacts folder
• your Documents folder
• your Bookmarks folder
• conferences and public calendars that you want to see offline
• the Directory information you want to see offline.
FirstClass Personal connects to your server at the times you specify. When connected, this application replicates new information for offline conferences and calendars, and Directory information. It synchronizes all information for your Mailbox, personal calendar, and Contacts, Documents, and Bookmarks folders.
If you have an expensive connection, check your FirstClass Personal configuration to make sure you will not connect more frequently than you want.
If you want to free up some of your disk quota space online, you can copy the objects you want to delete to your own computer using FirstClass Personal. This keeps the objects in a FirstClass environment. To do this, copy the objects to a container that will be synchronized. Once the objects are in your offline environment, you can delete them online. Move the offline objects to a container that won't be synchronized, so they don't reappear online. If you ever need one of these objects, simply move it back to a container that will be synchronized.
Your offline Desktop
Your offline Desktop looks much like your online Desktop. It may contain offline versions of your Mailbox and personal calendar, Contacts folder, Documents folder, Bookmarks folder, plus an Offline Conferences folder containing copies of the conferences and public calendars you set up for offline work.
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